All posts tagged: Motivation

I Just Wanted to Remind You… and Me

It’s 95 degrees outside and I was just weeding. I hate weeding, and I also love it. I hate it because it’s weeding, but I love it because of all the thinking time it allows me. It’s like therapy at times. I’m annoyed, because I’m […]



I miss my people. On a regular basis, I miss my sisters, my brother, and their families. I miss my husband. I love and miss him terribly. I miss my daughter, Amanda. I miss sitting around the dinner table talking about school days and laughing […]


Beautiful Monday!

This weekend turned out to be wonderfully productive. After sitting around in the house all day, I finally got up the energy to get outside in the sunshine to pull a couple of weeds. Well, one thing lead to another, and I ended up edging […]