Snowshoeing South River Fork Ranch Trail

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Favorite Things, From the Heart, Portfolio

Good Morning, and happy Saturday!

Yesterday, my girlfriend, Tracey and I went snowshoeing. We’ve been trying to get out and start utilizing all the snow we’ve gotten this year. We decided to hit a quick and easy trail. Both of us live about 15 minutes from the South River Fork Ranch Trailhead. That meant we could just zip over, and walk a couple of miles and go home. The trail is nice and flat and is easily accessed.

I was personally thinking it would be great to be able to get out there and take some pictures. However, when I got there, I realized I walked out of the house without my camera. I HATE when I do that!

Well, I figured this would be a good time to talk about cell phone cameras. I love a little book called The Best Camera is the One That’s With You. It’s written by Chase Jarvis, and talks about how we are all carrying our cell phone cameras and should be utilizing that advantage to take cool pictures. It’s an older book, but I always think about it when I forget to bring my camera places.

So, this was not a technical shoot as much as it was a way to get out, enjoy the morning, and capture some images. Because it’s the vision and viewpoint we are looking for, right?


The view of the Sierras from this trail is one of my two favorite things about it.

My second favorite thing about the trail, is this little arm of the river that runs through it. I love walking along side it during the spring and the winter. It Looks totally different in both, and today I decided I like the way it looks in winter the best.

I loved these two images, because they show how different the same location can look depending on the angle you capture it at.

We were so in love with the ice on everything. The trees and weeds, and ground were covered in sparkling snow and ice. It was absolutely gorgeous.

The next images are just some pretty little things I saw along the way. As always, tab on the gallery to see the full images.

Thanks for stopping by, have a fabulous weekend!

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Just a girl, on a journey. Thankful for love, thankful for friends and family, and thankful for forgiveness. Full of passion, conviction and hope.

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