365 Photo a Day- Week Three: Epic Fail

Portfolio, Projects

Why would I title this 365 Photo a Day as an epic fail, you ask? Well, well, let me share!

There is a little something about me many people know, but only if you know me well. I am a very clumsy person. I’m a bit stupid when it comes to the way I move around. I’ve been known to walk into a doorway, and I’ve opened cabinet doors into my own head. I trip a lot, and make many choices physically that put me in compromising positions.

So while I was trying to focus on my images this week I really wanted to see things in a new and fresh way. Let’s get started and I’ll show you what I mean.

I really wanted to pay attention to light. Here is me paying attention to it…

I like to see all the light that filters into my house during the  different times of day. The light is the best thing about my house.

I like to see all the light that filters into my house during the different times of day. The light is the best thing about my house.


Then I thought how about seeing something we don’t normally see? Looking up into a balloon string is different…

I was really wanting to focus on looking at things in a different way.

I was really wanting to focus on looking at things in a different way.

I've always been the kid that is staring at the way things move, sparkle, or the way light hits stuff.

I’ve always been the kid that is staring at the way things move, sparkle, or the way light hits stuff.


THEN I thought, I have a great idea! I’ve taken so many different pictures of my little chandelier, but I don’t think I’ve shot it from underneath! So, I did. I moved my centerpiece from the dinning room table and lay down on my back right under the chandelier. Perfect! Wait, it’s a little off, I didn’t have a perfect angle. Let me just move up a bit. Oh hey, I noticed I could put a leg over each dinning room chair and was then able to push myself right up under the light. A fleeting thought ran through my head about the fact my dinning room window blinds were open, and what would the neighbors think I was doing… Then, a slight sliding began where I could feel myself slowly moving toward the edge of my table, all the time realizing I was going to slide right off the table with a leg over each dinning room chair. Flashing images of myself broken right down the middle of my body swirled through my head and mingled with thoughts of the neighbors watching it happen. As I was thinking, “Oh, shit,” and watching the chairs hit the ground with my legs wrapped around them and camera in hand, I hoped for the best. Done! I made it, and I wasn’t hurt. Oh, but then I noticed the hole in the wall that was made by my knee smashing into it. Hmmm, I wonder if I’ll bruise?

See, this is why I work out. So I can do stuff like this, and be limber and flexible enough to slide off a dinning room table with my legs wrapped around chairs while shooting images of hanging lights. PERFECTION!



This is the best shot before the incident.

This is the best shot before the incident.

Here is the dent my knee put in the wall...

Here is the dent my knee put in the wall…

So, I guess this will be this weeks project... Because I'm stupid.

So, I guess this will be this weeks project… Because I’m stupid.

Look, photography is a risky business if you really want to get a little something different. So, there is a little something different for you…

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Just a girl, on a journey. Thankful for love, thankful for friends and family, and thankful for forgiveness. Full of passion, conviction and hope.

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